Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Little Ring Made of Gold


 I kind of started this blog, then fell off the Earth and that is because I am home visiting family in Texas.  I work from home back in North Carolina, and with my husband deployed, it just seemed like the perfect opportunity to travel home for a bit. The purpose of my trip home was to see my younger brother get his Aggie ring! This is a huge milestone for any student at Texas A&M, it means that the student has 90 credit hours and is therefore classified as a senior. My husband and I are both former students, and tradition is that a former student will present the ring to the Aggie who is receiving their ring. I basically invited myself to present my brother with his ring.

A&M has many traditions including dunking your ring in a pitcher of beer and then chugging it as fast as you can until you catch the ring. Some would argue that ring day is far more exciting than graduation day. I know most people do not buy or wear their college class ring, but at A&M pretty much everybody does. I am sure the company who makes college class rings LOVES A&M. The ring is how Aggies identify each other all over the world, which is part of what makes A&M so unique. My husband and I were at a Ace Hardware in North Carolina (both wearing our rings) and the cashier said "Did y'all go to A&M? I see your rings" And of course we nod and say that we did. Turns out her brother is a current student and actually is in the Corps of Cadets (which my husband was a part of when he was at A&M. See the cool uniform in the last two pictures :P )

Anyways, I am SO excited for my brother. I can't believe how much he is growing up and I am so incredibly proud of him. I am just so thankful I was able to experience this with him!

Here are some pictures from Ring day:

Me presenting my brother with his ring!!!

Our rings!

And for fun, a little throwback to  April 2011  when my husband and I got our rings!

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